Aryan invasion – A western narrative to subjugate India

Aryan invasion

In this article, we look into the Aryan invasion theory proposed by the west to control & destroy the native Indian culture by manipulating Hindu minds. We will also look into the damage caused by Aryan invasion theory and why the west chose to target Brahmins and the varna system (which was later called as caste system) through Aryan invasion theory.



After the survival of Hindus post Islamic Imperialism, Christian imperialism (European) arrived in India in the 16th century and got stronger at the end of the 18th century with the victory of the British. Success of these Christian imperialisms in India can be attributed a lot to the use of Western scholarship to manipulate Hindu minds. The West has been using ‘Atrocity Literature’ for centuries to subjugate, control, digest and ultimately destroy native cultures and civilizations. One such attempt to control our culture and civilization by manipulating Hindu minds has been made through the Aryan Invasion theory. With Aryan Invasion theory, the West chose to attack two Hindu institutions which were the mainstay of Hindu strength throughout the ages – Brahmins & decentralized Hindu social organization called the varna system (caste system as it is called today). They ridiculed Brahmins for practicing silly priestcraft designed to deceive people. They denounced Hindu social organization as caste system invented by invaders in order to keep down the toiling masses

Why were Brahmins and the Varna system i.e. Caste system targeted?

The Brahmins were the teachers of Hindu & custodians of Hindu dharma. The decentralized social organization (varna system a.k.a caste system) had served the Hindu state as the second line of defense whenever the state broke down under foreign invasion. The Brahmins were noticed by the first foreign invader – Alexander during the 4th century BC. He succeeded in breaking through India’s border defenses but was soon turned back by stiff resistance offered by the small republic of Punjab. He wanted to know why Indians had fought so bravely. His advisers told him that Indians fought so well because they were guided by Brahmins. Later he also met some Bhrahmins and learnt some of their teachings. Centuries later Islamic invaders also identified Brahmins as the source of Hindu strength. They killed as many Brahmins as they could and impoverished the rest by destroying Hindu temples, monasteries and schools. They also took away lands which provided livelihood to Brahmins. The Medieval Muslim chroniclaes are full of venom against Brahmins.

But neither Alexander nor Islamic invaders were able to identify the second line of Hindu defense – the decentralized Hindu social organization i.e. varna system a.k.a caste system. This was taken care of by Francis Xavier, who arrived at Goa in 1542 and surveyed the scene in India for several years. At the end of his efforts for converting India natives to Christians with the help of Portuguese arms, he came to the conclusion that Christianity will not likely make a way in the country as long as the Hindus had Brahmins and the caste system to teach and protect them. These perceptions were shared by later Imperialists – The Christian missions, British administrators and the communists. They always targeted these two lines of defense when attacking their common enemy – Hindu society, Hindu culture and Hindu nationalism.

Western scholarship proposes Aryan Invasion theory

With a larger goal to control the Indian culture and subjugate the natives, the west targeted Brahmins as well as the caste system and proposed the ‘Aryan Invasion Theory’, which created the following portrait of Hindus and Hinduism:

  1. India’s original natives were Dravidians (dark-skinned). The Rigveda provides clear evidence that a race of blood-thirsty barbarians (Aryans) having their origin in Europe and who worshiped equally blood-thirsty God invaded this country in around 1500 BC and settled down here permanently. They slaughtered and enslaved all those natives who couldn’t manage to escape to the far South or forest or mountains in the North.
  2. With a view to grasp their hold on this country and its native population, the Aryans created the caste system. In the caste system they themselves constituted the upper castes – Brahmanas, Kshatriyas as well as Vaisyas and reduced the native population to status of Shudras and untouchables.
  3. To legitimize and safeguard the caste system, Aryans designed a priestcraft in charge of Brahmanas and expressed it in complex Sanskrit literature.
  4. Whatever superficial culture that was acquired by Aryans was borrowed from the native people. The Sanskrit literature described native people as Dasas, Dasyus, Asuras, Raksasas and the rest.
  5. The custodians of Brahminism slaughtered the holy men of Buddhism and Jainism as well as destroyed  their shrines simply because these religions questioned the inequalities and cruelties of the caste system and asked for equality in social order.
  6. As the people’s protest against the superstitions, priestcraft and caste system continued to grow, Brahminism disguised itself in a number of new sounding cult such as Saivism, Saktism, Vaishnavism etc. and created new series of Sanskrit Literature called Puranas and Dharmashastras with the purpose to deceive the people and ensure continuity of the caste system with Brahman sitting at the top and obtaining unequal privileges and rich profits.
  7. Thus, the exploitative caste system remains the essence of Brahminism (Hinduism). Hinduism (Brahminism) has and will continue to suppress every single idea that threatens the caste system and domination of Brahmins.
  8. Scientifically & in a historical perspective, Hindus proper are only upper caste people in the present day Hindu society and describing rest of people as Hindu is a deception.
  9. Hindus a.k.a upper caste descendants of the Aryan invaders have joined and will continue to join hands with any ideology and force that helps to safeguard the caste system and protect their hold on masses of India.

Cultural damage through Aryan Invasion Theory

The word Hindu was made synonymous with the crimes committed by foreign people against indigenous people and Hinduism was made an oppressive social system. The Dravidian South was separated from Hindu fold and called upon to rise in revolt against everything Hindu. Thus, in Dravidian’s point of view, now Hinduism represents Aryan imperialism. Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism became revolts against Brahminism alias Hinduism. Tribal religions which were so far counted as members of Hindu faith also got a brand new term – Animism.

The theory was published by prestigious publishing houses such as Oxford University Press. It was also taught in schools and colleges under an education system controlled by Britishers & Christian missions. The Communist Party of India and the Muslim League also started using this lore. Certain sections of the Indian National Congress under leadership of Nehru also started using this lore to sound progressive, radical, revolutionary and socialist.

Modern evidences deny Aryan invasion

Modern archeological, cultural, linguistic and DNA evidence clearly indicate that there was no Aryan invasion and no Aryan migration. The Aryan Invasion theory was systematically imposed on the natives of India with an intent to have better control on the native culture and civilization. Unfortunately the claims of the theory were never questioned until recently and generations have been brainwashed through the modern education system. We still see some of its residue (particularly the caste system) in certain sections of modern society.

Below is detailed article which comprehensively debunks the Aryan Invasion theory

Aryan Invasion Myth: How 21st Century Science Debunks 19th Century Indology | IndiaFactsIndiaFacts

Reference: Hindus and Hinduism – Manipulation of Meanings – Sitaram Goel